Are you like millions of people around the US sitting at a desk all day long? Many people spend up to eight hours at the office, working at a desk with little to no breaks except for lunch and maybe a quick trip to the bathroom. How do you feel when you get up from your desk? How do you feel when you get home from work?

If you listened to your body, are you experiencing headaches, neck, and shoulder pain, or achy hips and a sore back? If you are, then maybe it’s time to look at a couple of items in your office that are causing you this pain and discomfort.

One of the main pieces of office furniture that can be causing you much of your pain is your office chair, while the other culprit can be your keyboard. We will look at each of these to help you reduce or eliminate your pain, as well as be more productive at work.
First, there are many benefits to sitting in an ergonomic chair that is strategically and comfortably placed in front of your desk.
• Supports neck – These specialty chairs provide proper neck support, thus preventing unnecessary strain on your neck and shoulders. Neck support is vital especially if you spend much of your time on the phone while you’re at work.
• Supports posture – Sitting in an ergonomic chair helps you sit erect, with your hips and buttocks pushed to the back of the chair. When sitting in the chair, it should be between 2-4 inches behind your knees. In other words, your knees should be able to bend at a 90˚ angle to ensure that your feet are on the floor to help you support your posture. When you have good posture, your ribcage is open, making it easier for you to breathe. As you take in more oxygen, it goes to your brain and thus, you can think clearly and can focus on the task at hand.
• Supports back – As you sit with your back against the chair, it should automatically fit the curves of your spine and support it. When the spine is supported correctly, you are less likely to slouch and cause unnecessary strain on your shoulders and lower back.
All ergonomic office furniture is adjustable according to your height, and some have adjustable back too.

Traditional keyboards can be awkward for some individuals, and the mouse is not always within a convenient reach. Some people may also be experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. An ergonomic keyboard can help with all these problems and more.
• Maintains natural hand position – When typing, your hands should be in a natural, yet relaxed position with your elbows close to your body. When your hands are in this position, they are less likely to become strained.
• Maintains good hand position – Because this kind of keyboard is vertical, it allows you to use the touchpad and mouse interchangeably depending on what you are working on. Sometimes the touchpad will be more convenient, while other times the mouse will be handy.
• Vertical layout – The vertical design of ergonomic keyboards prevents you from rotating your wrists too much which could cause injury.

As you can see, there are easy, yet essential ways for you to maintain your health while you’re at work. By using these ergonomic office supplies, you will be on your way to being one of the healthiest and most productive workers in your field.