file000994484162-e1475780222171 THE BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR SENIORS


Even though you cannot stop yourself from aging, there are several physical activities that can ward off many age-related health issues. Movement experts, most especially, physical therapists are capable of helping aging individuals maintain and gain movement, overcome pain, as well preserve independence. Here are five proven ways physical therapists want you to know on how to age well:

Your heart and brain want you to exercise: The number one cause of death in the US is heart disease. However, it can be prevented by exercising regularly. Research has also proven that appropriate exercise can even improve the health of someone who already has heart disease. Also, just like the heart, the brain wants you to exercise so as to reduce the likelihood of developing memory problems or Alzheimer’s disease (a condition affecting nothing less than 40% of Americans aged 85 and above).

You can get stronger as you grow old: You don’t need to be forever young to stay strong since research has proven that you can improve your strength and physical function as you approach your 60s, 70s, and even 80s. All you have to do is participate in an appropriate exercise program. Frailty can be prevented by participating in progressive resistance training where the muscles are exercised against resistance that gets more cumbersome as strength improves.

Don’t live with bladder leakage: More than 13 million men and women in the US live with bladder leakage. You don’t just have to live with spending your years rushing to the bathroom or relying on a pad when physical therapists are there to help you.

Chronic pain does not have to boss you: Every year, chronic pain from arthritis and other conditions cost 116 million Americans billions of dollars in lost wages, lost work time, and medical treatment. But with the help of physical therapists, pain management techniques, mobility, and proper exercises can ease pain during movement and at rest, improving the quality of life generally.

You can reduce your likelihood of having diabetes with exercise: One of every four Americans aged 60 and above has diabetes. Physical inactivity and obesity can increase the likelihood of having this disease. However, with a regular and appropriate physical activity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be prevented and managed.